Getting Started#


We assume you already have a Sphinx documentation, if not, see Getting Started with Sphinx.

First, downloading extension from PyPI (see Installation for more details):

$ pip install sphinxnotes-mock

Then, add the extension name to extensions configuration item in your

extensions = [
          # …
          # …

The current theme (Furo) supports secondary sidebar for showing page table of contents, so the .. contents:: directive is no longer needed.

So we can hide it with this extension, added directive name “contents” to the mock_directives Configuration item:

mock_directives = [
    ('bar', 'literal'),

You can see there is a contents directive in the source code of this pages,

but it doesn’t render anything.

You can see there is a ``contents`` directive in the source code of this pages,

.. contents::

but it doesn't render anything.