The Sphinx Notes Project

The Sphinx Notes Project helps people taking and publishing notes with Sphinx.


You can move to my personal site to see how I live in Sphinx.

Currently, These projects are growing under umbrella of The Sphinx Notes Project:


pages pages-badge

Github Actions for publishing Sphinx HTML output to github pages.

strike strike-badge

Sphinx extension for strikethrough text support.

any any-badge

Sphinx extension for describing and referencing anything.

The extension is a way of “constructing a datebase in documentation” by introducing Jinja Template in Sphinx documentation.

lilypond lilypond-badge

Sphinx extension for embedding LilyPond scores.

mock mock-badge

Sphinx extension for hiding unsupported directives and roles without modifying documents.

isso isso-badge

Sphinx extension for embeding Isso comments in documents.

snippet snippet-badge

Non-intrusive snippet manager for Sphinx documentation.

If you live in terminal, read progam output more than reading HTML page and PDF, It can help you view, edit, invoke your documentation snippet in fast speed.