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A Sphinx builder specialized for fast incremental HTML build.

The builtin StandaloneHTMLBuilder supports incremental build too, but it have to do a lot of extra work to ensure document consistency (such as updating glob toctree, updating index, etc.) The fasthtml builder skips almost all operations that slow down the build and left only the necessary parts.

If you often need to edit and build Sphinx documents locally, and only want to preview the parts you modified, the fasthtml builder will be helpful to you.

Getting Started


We assume you already have a Sphinx documentation, if not, see Getting Started with Sphinx.

First, downloading extension from PyPI:

$ pip install sphinxnotes-fasthtml

Then, add the extension name to extensions configuration item in your conf.py:

extensions = [
          # …
          # …

Then you can run the fasthtml builder:

$ sphinx-build -b fasthtml <sourcedir> <outputdir>

For Makefile users, it is recommended to add the following lines to your Makefile, to share outputdir betweens the fasthtml builder and the builtin html builder:

# Without "make mode" we can specify OUTPUTDIR and DOCTREEDIR precisely
# so that we can make sure to share all output with the HTML builder.
fasthtml: Makefile
	@$(SPHINXBUILD) -b $@ "$(SOURCEDIR)" "$(BUILDDIR)/html" $(SPHINXOPTS) $(O) -d "$(BUILDDIR)/doctrees"

Then use make fasthtml to run the fast HTML build.



The Sphinx Notes Project

The project is developed by Shengyu Zhang, as part of The Sphinx Notes Project.

The Sphinx Notes Project